the world of ??whys??

The world is rife with "why's," most of them simply too large and overwhelming to contain easy answers, if any at all - why is there suffering in this world? why do bad things happen to good people (and vice versa)? why is the sky blue (okay, there's probably some scientific explanation for that one, but a scientist I am not, so that one falls into bigger hands/minds than my own).
But everyday, we all encounter a myriad of little "why's," the kind we are certain have answers or could be satisfactorily redressed. These are the ones that really stick in your craw, because deep down you sense that : 1) it's simply Murphy's Law inserting its frustrating self into the minutiae of your daily life; or 2) the matter simply wouldn't exist, if only the rest of the world possessed your obviously elevated level of common sense.
So, all that being said, this column is dedicated to just those very "why's" - maybe not earth-shattering, nor of global relevance, but clearly impacting as we go about our own daily lives - the little glitches for all us cogs that are simply part of the bigger picture. These little things comprise our own personal bigger pictures, and I am convinced are at the heart of bigger issues - road rage, general rudeness, random acts of kindness, etc., etc. And in that reciprocal sense, maybe they are bigger than they seem, more than just pet peeves or petty annoyances.
So to get the thread rolling, I've come up with a few of my own choice "why's" - feel free to add your own, and if you have answers or at least a darn good or amusing theory, I'd love to hear it.

Monday, September 24, 2007

"Cats & Clean Rugs"

It inevitably happens in those middle of the night, pre-dawn hours, when I am trying to eke out the last couple hours of sleep before the alarm sounds off. Somehow, it wakes me up every time, no matter how deep a dream state I may be in. It starts with the strange and lowly yowling, followed by the heaving notes of my cat working up the next hair-ball, or the sudden sickness brought on by him either gobbling his kibbles too quickly or having found some remote dust bunny on which to snack mere moments prior.
This, in and of itself, doesn't really faze me - he's a cat, these things happen. What DOES stump me is how this manages to happen almost immediately following my having cleaned up after his LAST incident. Because, my cat has a preference for performing such tasks on the most elevated plane to be found on ground level...could be a piece of paper on the floor, and that would be the EXACT spot to which he'd maneuver to deposit the cause of his not-so-happy innards. Only, it so happens, I don't decorate my floors with scraps of paper. Like most people, I'm more likely to put down a stylish (or at least functional) throw-rug. As you've likely guessed, this is precisely where, then, my cat has decided is the proper place to head when he feels some unpleasantness coming on, thereby making my floor decor more appropriately named a throw-up rug than a throw-rug!
What gets me about this every time, is how, after having cleaned it, and waiting to ensure he seems to be relatively incident-free before I dare lay it down again, I find myself awakened to those tell-tale audible signs, only to slowly pry my eyelids opens to the fuzzy form of said cat propped squarely atop said rug, heaving out yet another mess.
There could be weeks inbetween his getting sick, but the day that rug goes down, inevitably, something bad comes up.
Perhaps I should consider switching detergents...something scentless - "no, i'm not clean, not clean at all, no need to throw up here!" It's either that, or my decorative tastes take on a whole new "throw-paper towels"....could be a whole new trend with the feline-fond set!

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